Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Costa Rica; A Tutorial

Oh, land of the Rich Coast, for us in the States, Costa Rica is an exotic (yet safe) backyard for tourists to play in. And just look at it!


However, there are some things about Costa Rica that might surprise you.

  1. Costa Rica has no military (boy, I love this one, it's my favorite)
  2. Costa Rica plans on becoming the first carbon neutral country by 2021
  3. The official language is Spanish
  4. The State religion is Catholic
  5. They are a member of the International Criminal Court
  6. They withdrew from the US's Coalition of the Willing in 2004
  7. They have a longer life expectancy than the US

Do you want another list? Sure you do! Here's what's great about Costa Rica's Communist Health care:

  1. People there live longer (oh, wait, I already said that)
  2. The quality of medical care is better than ours
  3. The cost of care is 1/10 ours
  4. You don't have to be a citizen to use it
  5. They offer both private and government supported care
  6. Dental work is also covered
So it's surprising to hear Rush Limbaugh promise that he will flee the United States for the peace-loving beaches of Costa Rica if we get a health care system passed ... that is the same as the one Costa Rica uses? Uh, WTF?

CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself?

LIMBAUGH: ...I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to
Costa Rica.

Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

To Peace

I know no one pays attention Afghanistan these days. And why should we? A sorrier country of contradictions is hard to find. We attacked them to free the population and bring democracy and womens rights to the tired masses yearning to breath free. And what do we get? 35-40% of aid being routed back to the US and women setting themselves on fire in rising numbers to escape their lives. Good work!

However, this is a silver lining. On Wednesday, a New York Times reporter we didn't know had been kidnapped was rescued after a daring raid by British Commandos! Yay, freedom!

Sadly, the reporter's translator, also kidnapped, did not make it and was killed during the firefight. Hmmm, an Afghani local with higher education who helps an American and is killed in the process. You know who he kind of sounds like? Wellington Yinsen from the 2008 Iron Man movie. The lesson here seems to be, the American is worth saving but the brown man is not. I'm guessing people in Afghanistan are tired of having this message beaten into them time and time again.

The New York Times reporter probably knows this message himself. He had been kidnapped while investigating a bombing by the US that is said to have killed up to 70 Afghani civilians.
Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Birthers, are you serious?

Okay, but ... orly?
Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Who will speak for whitey?

Well, I think white men were 100 percent of the people that wrote the Constitution, 100 percent of the people that signed the Declaration of Independence, 100 percent of people who died at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Probably close to 100 percent of the people who died at Normandy.

This has been a country built basically by white folks in this country who are 90 percent of the entire nation-in 1960, when I was growing up, Rachel-and the other 10 percent were African-American who had been discriminated against. That's why.

The bigger question is why was this asshole allowed to take up so much time on MSNBC (over 10 minutes!) when there are so many other people out there who could enrich the media?

Lila Schow

Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government

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Friday, May 01, 2009

Freedom's Slave

Recently, I got a comment on a year-old post from my good friend, Anonymous. Which is odd, because no one ever comments on this blog. And when they do, it's usually people who've misunderstood sarcasm. In terrible and hilarious ways. So when Anon popped up this morning, I paid attention!
Listen here you clearly dont understand the tragedies of war. Theres no glory in war I know but im a proud american who loves this country and I support the troops all the your so ignorant in liberal anti-government beliefs. Its a war not a peace rally stupid fuck people die. The people protecting your way of life die for you and me to keep us free. You could atleast show some sympathy for them we are liberating an oppressed people from a brutal dictator whats so wrong with that. If you say that Iraq is not our problem your an idiot. The U.S. has been fighting to liberate oppressed people ever since WWII. Go die liberal fuck people like you are a waste of time.
(omg, that post now has four comments! I'm famous!)

Now, no American can ever criticize the military without having an uncomfortable thought spared for Jack Nicholson, the great actor who sacrificed 0 longs years serving in our country's military.

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it."

Aye, there's the rub, isn't it. That whole question the 'quality of service you provide' thingy. A republic, defended by a military made up of voluntary serfs who have no civil liberties and no democratic rights in the eyes of our nation. Who am I to question that? Who am I to be ungrateful? Clearly, I am a ignorant, liberal anti gubber (but only anti-Bush, am I right folks or am I right?)

If you step into the street without looking and a stranger saves your life, does that stranger now get to rule what you think and say? What if the stranger pulls you back and there was no danger? Do they get that right then? Since I am far more likely to die in an auto accident than at the hands of a terrorist or foreign government does that mean I don't have the right to criticize auto manufacturers who stand on the wall for me?

Or is it only because I can't understand the tragedies of war that I can't speak?

When my government uses flechettes, phosphorus, drones, DU. When they kill innocent people during the course of their work. When my brothers and sisters come back in flag draped coffins when I needed them to come back and fight the forest fires and floods in my own country? When I protested going to war for false reasons, when I protested a war of vengeance, when I protested the use of murder as a tool of democracy and then continued to criticize those in charge for making the same mistake over and over and over. Is that when I can't speak?

When the people protecting my life are actually endangering it, is that when I must be silent?

Hey, I'm still waiting for our government to liberate the oppressed. As an American citizen is it not my duty to ensure the rights of the people who've given theirs up to defend me? Isn't it my duty to make sure they defend me in a way I agree with and aren't being used as a tool by the government to shape foreign policy? Isn't it my duty to hold them accountable?

Anon wants me to trust my government to make the right choices for me and that's fair, except that my government has consistently chosen not to act in my best interest. It won't even act in the best interest of the soldiers who defend it.

What is it called when a 'patriot' uses anger, offense and self-righteousness as weapons to rob me off my freedoms and liberties?

Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rhymes With Crapdemic

There is a silent, but deadly killer among us. Over 100 people are killed each day. That's 2/state/day based off really horrible generalizing. Yes, I'm talking about flu. Not that fancy swine flu, either, which only kills 5 people a day -- and that's world wide. This is hardcore, straight up influenza. Mostly A and B.
It's safe to say that "swine flu" is causing a pandemic in panic. Even the World Health Organization is involved, raising the terror threat level of SF to 5 (or orange, as it were). Countries are closing borders, pigs are being slaughtered and schools shut down. Here in the United States we demand Cures and Vaccinations.
You know what else kills 100 Americans a day? Heart disease. Scratch that. Heart disease kills 100 people an hour.
There is another pandemic stalking the globe. Malaria. That shit kills close to 3,000 people a day. It would sure be nice to have a vaccine or pills or something for that. Oh wait ...
I guess perspective isn't really a word I can use when it comes to Americans. How about AntiVaxersPullYourHeadsOutOfYourAsses, or is that too long?
Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government


Sunday, April 26, 2009

What CAN I Believe?

Marjorie Cohn's article on torture and confessions was posted today at Truthout. And I am shocked. Shocked! I say. Because according to her, even torturing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah could not get either man to link Saddam with 9-11. Did you get that? We couldn't even get a false confessions from torture.

But I thought would could use torture to get any false confession we wanted. Isn't that was the left is always saying? So, what, did the interrogators not know how to do their jobs? Do they need to spend more time practicing?

Take a lesson US government, the next time you want to torture prisoners to gain specific information to support an unpopular cause -- spend a little more time coaching the prisoners with the answers you want. May I suggest cue cards?

Lila Schow

Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government