Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Costa Rica; A Tutorial

Oh, land of the Rich Coast, for us in the States, Costa Rica is an exotic (yet safe) backyard for tourists to play in. And just look at it!


However, there are some things about Costa Rica that might surprise you.

  1. Costa Rica has no military (boy, I love this one, it's my favorite)
  2. Costa Rica plans on becoming the first carbon neutral country by 2021
  3. The official language is Spanish
  4. The State religion is Catholic
  5. They are a member of the International Criminal Court
  6. They withdrew from the US's Coalition of the Willing in 2004
  7. They have a longer life expectancy than the US

Do you want another list? Sure you do! Here's what's great about Costa Rica's Communist Health care:

  1. People there live longer (oh, wait, I already said that)
  2. The quality of medical care is better than ours
  3. The cost of care is 1/10 ours
  4. You don't have to be a citizen to use it
  5. They offer both private and government supported care
  6. Dental work is also covered
So it's surprising to hear Rush Limbaugh promise that he will flee the United States for the peace-loving beaches of Costa Rica if we get a health care system passed ... that is the same as the one Costa Rica uses? Uh, WTF?

CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself?

LIMBAUGH: ...I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to
Costa Rica.

Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government

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