Friday, January 19, 2007

First Annual Gump Award

I've just created a new category of awards, similar to the Darwin Awards. Mine shall be called the Gump Award, in honor of the movie Forrest Gump in which we hear the quote, "Stupid is as Stupid Does."

For 2007, my award goes to the Monkey In Charge * ** who's response to Saddam's execution went like this:

Well, the message is that it's a confusing message. It basically says to people, look, you conducted a trial and gave Saddam justice that he didn't give to others. But then, when it came to execute him, it looked like it was kind of a revenge killing. And it sent a mixed signal to the American people and the people around the world. And it just goes to show that this is a government that has still got some maturation to do.
Try to remember that this is the same man who, on December 29th, 2006 said:

Today, Saddam Hussein was executed after receiving a fair trial -- the kind of justice he denied the victims of his brutal regime.

We are reminded today of how far the Iraqi people have come since the end of Saddam Hussein's rule - and that the progress they have made would not have been possible without the continued service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform.
I didn't make that one up either, it's on the Whitehouse website.

The best part about accusing the Iraqi government of "fumbling" the execution of the man we removed from office and put on trial by people we put in power is the complete lack of responsibility The Monkey takes. Classic!

Perhaps the problem is, as Bush puts it, there's just no sex in your violence. There certainly was nothing sexy about that cell phone footage. Well, one thing's for certain, we'll never have to hear him say this:

"I'm sorry."

As always, this administration leaves me thinking about an old David Rees Cartoon.

*Dear Jane Goodall, please don't be mad at me.

**I know, it's kind of a given. He's made so many of these types of comments you can fill a calendar with them. Still, this one is pretty awful. It will be interesting to see if he can top it. He still has 11 months to go.

~Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government


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