Rhymes With Crapdemic
There is a silent, but deadly killer among us. Over 100 people are killed each day. That's 2/state/day based off really horrible generalizing. Yes, I'm talking about flu. Not that fancy swine flu, either, which only kills 5 people a day -- and that's world wide. This is hardcore, straight up influenza. Mostly A and B.
It's safe to say that "swine flu" is causing a pandemic in panic. Even the World Health Organization is involved, raising the terror threat level of SF to 5 (or orange, as it were). Countries are closing borders, pigs are being slaughtered and schools shut down. Here in the United States we demand Cures and Vaccinations.
You know what else kills 100 Americans a day? Heart disease. Scratch that. Heart disease kills 100 people an hour.
There is another pandemic stalking the globe. Malaria. That shit kills close to 3,000 people a day. It would sure be nice to have a vaccine or pills or something for that. Oh wait ...
I guess perspective isn't really a word I can use when it comes to Americans. How about AntiVaxersPullYourHeadsOutOfYourAsses, or is that too long?
Lila Schow
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government http://goodusgov.org/
Because Responsible Citizens Clean Up After Their Government http://goodusgov.org/
Labels: pandemic