Here goes... We apparently need a history lesson. Every time something goes wrong we need a scapegoat - yes, "we" the American people. We're so good at it. We're like the angry wife who brings her husband's tardiness from work into every argument. "I may have just lied to you, but you were late 3 out of 5 nights last week!" The politicians pull out the lack of green cards, "I know we're corrupt, spending your great-grandchildren's money on an illegal war, violating your civil liberties, and creating the elitist good-ole boy club ever, BUT we have to do something about all those illegal immigrants crossing the border and burdening the taxpayers!" Ha.
The immigration issue is way too complex for Congress, we need John Stewart on the case. There is no easy solution, just as this is no easy problem. The majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals - there was that one who killed a cop in Denver. But that's just one that I'm aware of. 1/11 million - Hell, I'll take those odds. They are not taking jobs from Americans. You too can work in construction, janitorial services, landscaping, and fast food. They are not depressing American wages - that would be their illegal boss who pays shitty wages. They are changing our culture. But isn't that what the US is all about? I love Mexican food - bring it on! And the language issue - don't you know that a Federal treaty exists promising bilignual education in the southwest? Look it up - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
So a solution for this trumped up problem? Work with the Mexican, El Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, etc., governments to help them stimulate their economies, so their citizens don't risk life and limb to cross a damned dry desert. Police our borders. Shouldn't we be making sure some creepy pedophile isn't crossing with his step-children? I can't take my children out of the country without notarized permission from their father, shouldn't it work the other way? And then there's that national security issue. If people can cross the border illegally, I'm sure dirty bombs and other hazards can too.
Police our borders, work with other governments to help stimulate their own economies, and remember we're talking about people - not aliens. Those are kept in Arizona somewhere.
The immigration issue is way too complex for Congress, we need John Stewart on the case. There is no easy solution, just as this is no easy problem. The majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals - there was that one who killed a cop in Denver. But that's just one that I'm aware of. 1/11 million - Hell, I'll take those odds. They are not taking jobs from Americans. You too can work in construction, janitorial services, landscaping, and fast food. They are not depressing American wages - that would be their illegal boss who pays shitty wages. They are changing our culture. But isn't that what the US is all about? I love Mexican food - bring it on! And the language issue - don't you know that a Federal treaty exists promising bilignual education in the southwest? Look it up - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
So a solution for this trumped up problem? Work with the Mexican, El Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, etc., governments to help them stimulate their economies, so their citizens don't risk life and limb to cross a damned dry desert. Police our borders. Shouldn't we be making sure some creepy pedophile isn't crossing with his step-children? I can't take my children out of the country without notarized permission from their father, shouldn't it work the other way? And then there's that national security issue. If people can cross the border illegally, I'm sure dirty bombs and other hazards can too.
Police our borders, work with other governments to help stimulate their own economies, and remember we're talking about people - not aliens. Those are kept in Arizona somewhere.
You have the BEST editorials ever! I love reading them.
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