Monday, July 30, 2007

Fox "News" - Where Truth and Fact Are Optional

Note from Lila Schow ~ I personally fact-checked this post because I could not believe it. On this YouTube link you can see more on the Foley incident.
You can also read more here.

If you still believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in the plannning and execution of the 9/11 attacks, that Hussein had stockpiles of WMD's and that when we invaded Iraq, those WMD's were moved into Iran and/or Syria, that we're actually fighting al Qaeda over in Iraq, that Iran poses the biggest threat to this country, that we have to "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here," that all liberals are the Anti-Christ, that George W. Bush is right in subverting the Constitution and breaking Federal laws, that nothing he does is illegal and that Bush is in fact, the greatest president we've ever had, then the chances are pretty darn good that you are one of those mouth-breathing, mindless drones that still considers Fox News to be a legitimate news source.

Seriously, Rupert Murdoch's Might Propaganda Machine known as Fox "News" has managed to brainwash millions with their
manipulations and distortions of the truth as well as with their outright lies. When truth and fact are inconvenient, that doesn't stop those intrepid "journalists" on Fox from brushing those things aside in favor of the latest right-wing talking points. Nor are they at all shy about re-writing history to conform to their really warped world views.

Let's look at just a few, fun examples of Fox News giving their "fair and balanced facts," shall we?

Ummmmmmm... yeah. See, the problem here is that Lincoln Chaffee is the Republican incumbent you see getting his ass handed to him in the Rhode Island Senate race. Sheldon Whitehouse is the Democratic candidate, now Senator, that beat the holy pulp out of Mr. Chaffee.

Example #2
Scooter Libby was found not guilty? Wow. That might come as news to the jury that convicted him and the judge that handed down Scooter's sentence. You remember, the sentence that Bush, who said he respected the jury's verdict and the rule of law so much that he said Libby didn't have to serve the time for his commission of multiple crimes.

Example #3
Once again, Fox News decided that they didn't like what Senator Specter had to say, in this case, his grilling, slicing and dicing of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, so... Voila!... he's now a Democrat. I imagine that all of those voters in Pennsylvania who thought they were re-electing Republican Senator Arlen Specter might be more than a little surprised that somewhere along the way, he's suddenly (and quite spontaneously) switched party affiliation. I'd bet that Senator Specter might be more than a bit surprised himself.

Example #4
Ahhhhh yes... who can forget this classic? You all remember former 6-term Congressman from Florida Mark Foley, don't you? He spearheaded the Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 which helped protect kids from exploitation by sexual predators. And you of course, all remember that former Congressman Foley was then found to have been... well... a sexual predator himself. Yes, when Congressman Foley wasn't busy driving legislation to protect children from exploitation, he was busy exploiting them himself. Foley was found to be... rather fond of the Congressional Pages and engaged in... shall we say, much inappropriate behavior. The trouble with the graphic on this screen is that it should read: Mark Foley (R-FL). Apparently Fox, in an effort to distance themselves from him, decided he'd look better as a Democrat and once again, Voila! He spontaneously switched party affiliation.

Never once has Fox issued an apology, correction or a retraction for their "mistakes." They simply misinform their viewers who usually don't have the critical thinking skills to ferret out truth from fiction on their own. Most Fox viewers still believe that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were the best of friends, so that should give you an idea of the caliber of people we're talking about. Not a lot of overly sharp tools in that shed.

Fox intentionally warps, distorts, spins and twists truth, fact and history to suit their purposes. The journalistic integrity they claim to have is about as credible as George W. Bush, Mr. 25% himself, at this point. So can we stop believing that Fox is a legitimate news outlet, sheeple? Can we finally agree that Fox is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Bush Administration? Probably not, that would require independent thought and I'm sure most of you are busy trying to master the technique of walking upright to care. Being spoon-fed heaping helpings of bullsh*t is much easier.

Hey, I just report, you decide.

~Kevin S.

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